Guidelines for third party information requests
The following information is provided to inform private parties, including civil
litigants, of our current policy on how to obtain information or records from
Quote It. We may change or update this policy at any time. These guidelines
only apply to non-law enforcement requests. Quote It requires that private
parties obtain a subpoena or other legal process in order to seek disclosure
of information maintained by our platform. This legal process must be issued
in accordance with any applicable provincial or federal statutes, rules, and
Subpoena format and required information
Quote It responds to valid federal or domesticated subpoenas requesting
information. We review each subpoena and other legal process for facial and
substantive validity and will reject requests that are not facially and substantively
valid. We will also reject any requests that are overly broad or vague. In order to
make sure your subpoena is valid, please note the following:
The best way to get information about a person using Quote It is to request it
from them directly, especially if they are already a party to your litigation;
You must make a sufficiently narrow request with a defined time frame and
identifying the information sought with particularity;
You must reference a specific person, entity, or reference (i.e., you must
uniquely identify a user, phone number, service provider, or some type of
other specific characteristic to limit the scope of the request);
Federal law does not allow private parties to obtain account contents such as
messages using civil subpoenas. We will not provide such materials in response
to a civil subpoena.
Service of third-party information requests
We accept courtesy copies through as a convenience but
reserve all rights and objections, such as for lack of jurisdiction or improper
service. Third-party information requests may also be served at our Oakville
Quote It Inc.
Attn: Legal Department
447 Sandlewood Drive
Oakville, ON, L6L 3S3
Our acceptance of legal process does not waive any legal objections Quote It
may have and may raise in response to the request. Please note that any
complaints and other documents naming Quote It as a party must be served
on our registered agent for service of process. Complaints may also be served at
our Oakville Headquarters, using the address above. We typically include an
affidavit of authenticity when responding to records requests, but are generally
unable to provide in-person testimony.
Notification to user
If we are required by law to disclose user information, it is our policy to use
commercially reasonable efforts to notify the user unless (a) we believe in our
sole discretion that providing notice could create a risk of injury or death, or that
harm or fraud could be directed to Quote It or users; or (b) we are precluded from
providing notice by law. This user notice will be sent via email to the email address
listed on the account. A third-party seeking non-disclosure of legal process should
obtain an appropriate court order establishing that notice is prohibited before serving
legal process on Quote It or should provide us with a detailed statement of why notice
should not be provided under our policy.